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Elyse M Santoro

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My name is Elyse M. Santoro, and I am an artist who creates out of a love for beauty. I have been trained to pick out the details in everything, seeking the elements that inspire and might act as catalysts for healing. I believe in awakening the heart and soul through art & design.

I created Elyse M. Santoro Studios in Miami Beach, FL so I could help others realize their own creative potentials, awakening each individual’s artistic consciousness so that artists, writers, and musicians can continue to guide the world. I experience a profound transformation each time I immerse myself in a creative act, and I work to allow others to experience this same feeling of connection and power.

All my life, I have been attracted to art. I have painted since I was a child in school, and I’ve grown in to my true calling as a painter and a teacher of Intentional Creativity, a powerful method through which individuals may express their souls. This method was founded by the late Sue Hoya Sellars and Shiloh Sophia McCloud, and it has built up into a global community of women who are dedicated to helping one another express themselves through painting.

For me, painting is an experience in which I live entirely in the moment and open my heart to the pure potential within me. My paintbrushes are my wands, and my paints are the medium through which I communicate with the viewer in a way that transcends words. If you are interested in discovering your own potential and awakening your artistic soul, come in to my studio today.

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